SafetyOn/ RUK Guidance regarding site operations, construction, and return to the office environment during COVID-19 (version 8; 21 August 2020)
This update highlights the reference of this guidance note in Scottish government guidance, amended wording on essential work and required personnel, reference to local lock-downs and national quarantine rules as well as track and trace systems.

Medical fitness assessment for wind turbine workers
This guidance document provides a framework to assist in undertaking the medical fitness assessment for personnel working in the wind energy sector.

Dust – Potential for Health Risk
The Industry has been informed by the HSE of a potential for dust build up within generator rooms and nacelles/hubs. The components of the dust reported by the HSE may contain heavy metals including lead, which could present a potential health risk.

Use of reinforced ladder rungs as hook on points
SGRE became aware that their reinforced ladder rungs do NOT meet previously communicated requirements and cannot be used as structural anchorage points for Fall Restraint Lanyards, Fall Arrest Lanyards, and the securing of rescue equipment.

SafetyOn/G+ Workshops report: Electrical safe system of work
SafetyOn and G+ have been working collaboratively with the EI to improve safety in the onshore and offshore wind industry through Safe System of Work (SSOW) workshops. These workshops brought together industry professionals to refine and standardize the WTSRs, ensuring a consistent and robust global safety approach.

Letter for members regarding occupational health and hygiene concerns
HSE is sharing initial information received from a wind farm operator regarding occupational health and hygiene concerns

Publication of WTSR SP5
We’ve published Revision 2 of the Wind Turbine Safety Rules – Support Procedure 5: Temporary Application of an Alternative Safe System of Work (TAAS).
What’s new?
✔️ Enhanced requirements before issuing a TAAS
✔️ Clearer definition of its intended use
✔️ Improved guidance on usage and completion of TAAS
Read the updated version here.

Road Traffic Collision
A Wind Turbine Technician was travelling on the public highway after attending a windfarm and was involved in a Road Traffic Collision.

High winds from storm caused damage to solar farms
Storm Darragh produced winds >40Mph causing damage to solar panels and infrastructure on sites. Damages were found following an alert from the control room, utilising the emergency call-out procedure.

Industry health and safety leaders appointed to bolster SafetyOn’s expanding programme
SafetyOn has appointed a new Chair and Vice Chair of its Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), kick starting what is set to be an important year for the organisation.

Stand Up for Safety week 2025
20th - 24th January 2025 : Stand Up for Safety Week is dedicated to creating time to discuss hazards working onshore and preventative measures that could be taken to reduce risk to health and safety

SafetyOn Stakeholder Forum 2024
SafetyOn held its annual Stakeholder Forum on 5th December, welcoming over 100 attendees. The event was filled with insightful discussions and excellent engagement from all participants.
📊 Click here to view the slides presented during the event.

SafetyOn November 2024 Newsletter
📢📢The SafetyOn November 2024 issue is now live!
Discover the latest updates on our 2025 workstreams, SafetyOn 2024 Stakeholder Forum, and more.
👉 Read the latest issue here

SafetyOn Safe by Design Ice Fall & Ice Throw Workshop Report
Click here to see the SafetyOn Safe by design Workshop report: to examine controls measures in place used to prevent the risk of injury from ice fall / ice throw from Wind Turbine Generators (WTG).

Dropped Object (pitch head) from Turbine Hub (HPE)
Whilst completing pitch suspension and pitch head bearing replacement works, a pitch head dropped through the gap at the blade collar to the ground.

Misuse of Rescue Equipment During Simulated Exercises
During a series of simulated rescue exercises, application of the supplied ratchet wrench (MSXRD1) caused critical damage to a heightec Rotor (D61) rescue device, rendering the Rotor unusable.

SafetyOn Safe by Design Chain Hoist Workshop Report
Click here to see the SafetyOn Safe by design Workshop report: To examine design of chain hoists and ancillary equipment, lift plans, permits and controls, and training and competency across industry.

SafetyOn 2023 incident data report
SafetyOn 2023 Incident Data Report is out!
The SafetyOn incident data allows us to properly benchmark and monitor key safety metrics, and drive tangible change in our approach to safety.

Arc Flash Incident
During service work being undertaken on a WTG, the AT of the party was removing Q3 and Q10 isolations on the convertor platform. When the technician was removing the Q3 lock plastic/ metal lockout device detached and fell into the cabinet.

Publication of WTSR SP7
Click here to see the newly updated WTSR Support Procedure 7: Control and Management of Cross Boundary Safety Precautions between the WTSR and other Safety Rules

Nut on specific batches of Green Pin Shackles and Turnbuckles
It was noted that some nuts of specific batches of Green Pin products do not conform with the safety specification as the threading was too loose.

Chain Hoist Incident on Wind Farm
During planned service work an incident involving a chain hoist occurred on a windfarm. An investigation was carried out and the risk assesment and evaluation of the incident was undertaken.

SafetyOn April 2024 Newsletter
The first SafetyOn newsletter of the year is now live!
✔ SafetyOn's expanding workstreams including collaboration with G+ Global Offshore Wind Health and Safety Organisation on manual handling
✔ Member spotlight featuring Kenneth Weatherstone
✔ Upcoming publications/ events including SafetyOn's annual stakeholder forum and Stand Up for Safety Week 2025

SafetyOn guidance published: Wind Turbine Generator High Voltage Access Awareness
The Wind Turbine Generator High Voltage Access Awareness good practice guidance document has been produced to assist the onshore wind industry to determine their minimum training and competency requirement for those working either in or on wind turbine generators (WTGs) which contain high voltage (HV) electrical equipment.

SafetyOn guidance published: Mobile Crane Lifting for Onshore Wind Farms
This good practice guidance is aimed to improve mobile crane lifting operations, both during installation and major component exchange in operations and maintenance, within the onshore wind industry.

Cost recovery legislation and guidance
- Cost Recovery for Wind and Marine Energy (Renewables)
- The Health and Safety and Nuclear (Fees) (Amendment) and Gas Safety (Miscellaneous Amendment) Regulations 2024
- HSE - Charging
Click here to access the following information:

SafetyOn 2023 Health and Safety Incident Data Report
We're thrilled to announce that the SafetyOn 2023 Health and Safety Incident Data Report is set to be published on 26 June 2024. This comprehensive report will be packed with insights, trends and invaluable data to empower you in the onshore wind industry. The report will be freely accessible to download from SafetyOn's website!

Suspended loads
A Major Component Replacement (MCR) task was undertaken on a wind farm, during these works the roof canopy section was removed and reinstalled. An investigation was carried out which found failings in the existing risk assessment and evaluation of the task was undertaken.

SafetyOn feature in New Energy World
Ensuring health and safety keeps pace with growth of the onshore wind sector.

22nd-26th January
22nd - 26th January: Stand Up for Safety Week is dedicated to creating time to discuss hazards working onshore and preventative measures that could be taken to reduce risk to health and safety

New SafetyOn Leadership
Amidst plans to boost wind energy generation in the UK, the onshore wind industry health and safety organisation, SafetyOn, has today announced a new Chair to guide its burgeoning workstreams.

Local QHSE stop work due to arc flash event
During planned works to replace the main breaker on a WTG an arc flash event has occurred. Initial investigations suggest there was a failure of the cross-boundary isolation that utilised a Terasaki Tempower2 AR325S low voltage (LV) air circuit breaker (ACB).

SafetyOn 5th Annual Stakeholder Day
SafetyOn held its 5th Annual Stakeholder Day on 30th November 2023 at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre, EICC. The event showcased key updates and successes delivered...

Risk related to Petzl ASTRO and CANYON GUIDE harnesses which can cause personnel to fall from height
A Safety Alert from the manufacturer PETZL instructing to immediately stop using and inspect the Petzl ASTRO and CANYON GUIDE harnesses.

Positive Improvement Award
Following the SafetyOn Stakeholder forum, the SafetyOn Team were back at the EICC for the Scottish Green Energy Awards!
A fantastic evening, and we are absolutely delighted the hand injury campaign won Postive Improvement Award at the SGEA.
The innovative hand injury video campaign aims to raise awareness of hand injuries and mitigate these incidents.
The video campaign is freely available to download here.

SafetyOn 5th annual Stakeholder Forum
Thank you to everyone who attended the fifth annual SafetyOn stakeholder forum.
We hope you enjoyed the event, and we look forward to seeing you all at the next stakeholder forum in 2024.

SafetyOn November 2023 Newsletter
SafetyOn newsletter November issue is available!📰
Read more about:
- 2023 work programme in review
- Continued growth in Tier 2 membership
- Behind the stats: SafetyOn's 2022 Safety Report
- Looking ahead: 2024 work programme
- SafetyOn part of the Industry Colloboration Committee (ICC)
- SafetyOn stakeholder forum and attendance at external events

IOSH Scotland Campaign of the Year Award
📢 📢 IOSH Scotland Campaign of the Year Award!
We are thrilled the SafetyOn hand injury video campaign has been awarded Campaign of the Year at the 2023 IOSH Scotland Awards!
Four videos were released as part of the innovative campaign and are freely available to download here!

2023 SafetyOn Annual Stakeholder Forum
The agenda for the upcoming SafetyOn Stakeholder Day on Thursday 30th November at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC). We are excited to see you all in person and are delighted to announce what we think is a very engaging and informative programme.

Arc Flash Incident Cross Boundary Isolations
During planned works by technicians to replace the main breaker on a WTG an arc flash event occurred. Initial investigations suggest there was a failure of the cross-boundary isolation.

RIDDOR TX Coil Failure Incident
A breakdown call was received for string 2 having no communications at a wind farm. The team got in touch with the HV Senior Authorised Person [SAP] from the Company to assist with fault finding as to why the HV had tripped. Each of the turbines on string 2 were checked to see which one had tripped, T12 was found to be off and upon further investigation, one of the coils on the transformer had blown.

LV Arc Flash Incident
An incident occurred on a site that resulted in an arc-flash and burns injuries to wind turbine technicians working to replace a faulty wind turbine 690V circuit breaker. At the time of the incident, safe systems of work were in place, including electrical isolations. A full investigation is underway to determine the root-cause of the incident.

SGEA nomination
The innovative video campaign focuses on raising awareness of hand injuries, recognising risk, removing hazards, redesigning processes, and saving employees from harm.
Four videos were released as part of the campaign, and are freely available to everyone here.

IOSH Conference and Awards Dinner
📢 📢 We are thrilled to announce that SafetyOn is an official sponsorship partner at this year's IOSH Conference and Awards Dinner.
The theme of this year's conference is 'Nurturing positive outcomes for people and the planet'.
The Conference and Awards Dinner takes place on Thursday 09th November. For more information on the event please visit the IOSH website.

Arc Flash Event
During planned service work on a WTG the AT of the party was removing isolations to Q3 and Q10 within the 1S1 cabinet at the convertor platform level. When the technician removed the Q3 isolation, the lockout device fell down into the cabinet, appearing to fall between a gap in the protective covers and coming into contact with live conductors causing an Arc Flash Event to occur.

SafetyOn hand injury campaign
We're pleased to release the final video of the SafetyOn hand injury campaign; "The correct tools for the task"

SafetyOn Incident Data Webinar
Data Leads, Anna de Fortuna and Chris Forster will provide an overview of the data collection method, key trends, & explain how monitoring and gathering data on the h&s performance of the UK onshore wind sector informs our evidence-based work programme
Onshore Wind Conference
SafetyOn is exhibiting at the 2023 Onshore wind conference on 21st September

2023 SafetyOn Annual Stakeholder Day
Date and venue announced for 2023 annual SafetyOn Stakeholder Day. To book your place "read more"

Safety is key as wind energy activity reaches record levels
Safety is paramount as onshore and offshore wind activity reaches record levels globally.

SafetyOn 2022 incident data report
SafetyOn 2022 Incident Data Report is out!
The SafetyOn incident data allows us to properly benchmark and monitor key safety metrics, and drive tangible change in our approach to safety.

Dropped object incident
A wooden pallet containing a load was being lifted back onto the racking, and as the Forklift Truck was being turned, the load tipped, causing the wooden pallet to fall to the ground.

Battery Energy Storage System Fire
An incident occurred on a battery energy storage system that resulted in extensive damage to the battery system and container due to fire.

The right gloves for the job
We are excited to release the third video of the SafetyOn hand injury campaign; "The right gloves for the job".

SafetyOn April 2023 Newsletter
Click here to access our April 2023 newsletter and stay informed on SafetyOn's efforts to promote and maintain the highest possible standards of health and safety in our sector.

SafetyOn response to HSE letter
SafetyOn response to HSE concerns regarding issues of integrating service lifts and their declaration of conformity within wind turbines

Electrical Contact
Fault finding within the Hub Spinner area cabinet +A6. A technician received electric shock following application of isolations.

Guidance for Management of Work in Confined Spaces for Onshore Wind
SafetyOn has just launched a set of guidelines for Management of Work in Confined Spaces for Onshore Wind

Temporary prohibition of the use of angle grinders
During the activities of blade repair with rope access, an employee accidentally activated the angle grinder, causing a deep cut on his leg.
Recognise, Remove, Redesign
The second video as part of the SafetyOn injury campaign emphasises the importance of Recognising risks, Removing hazards, Redesigning processes/ procedures/ environment.

HSE Letter to SafetyOn and G+
Issues of integrating service lifts and their declaration of conformity within wind turbines

Electricity cable struck by excavator
An overhead 11kv electricity line was struck by arm of excavator. Operatives were backfilling trenches where fibre optic cables within ducts have been laid

HV Trip caused a T-Stop at WTG
A HV trip caused a T-stop at WTG 707. Technicians visited the turbine to investigate the fault following the HV trip. Upon arrival at the Nacelle they discovered damage to the Q7 cubicle. On further investigation the technicians found that an arc flash event had occurred within the Q7 cabinet.

Contractor engagement and behavioural safety in onshore civils
G+ and SafetyOn have just launched a set of guidelines for onshore civil engineering and construction works in wind industry.

Arc Flash Burn
A Senior Engineer suffered burns in his hands as a result of an Arc-Flash. The Engineer failed to work according to the correct work procedure and to disconnect the cables from the battery side before disconnecting the battery power cables from the BMS, resulting in an Arc Flash.

Crushed Finger - Suspension of Clifter
An incident involving a Clifter device was reported recently.
An employee tried to operated a Clifter device to move it further up the ladder but in doing so, his index finger got trapped.

SafetyOn 4th Annual Stakeholder Day
SafetyOn held its 4th Annual Stakeholder Day on 1st December 2022 at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre, EICC. The event showcased key updates and successes delivered...

SafetyOn Launch Injury Trends Campaign
The first video as part of the SafetyOn injury campaign shows a life changing hand injury. Three further videos will be released over a period of seven months as part of the injury trends video campaign.
SafetyOn Stakeholder Day 2022 Agenda
Here's the agenda for the upcoming SafetyOn Stakeholder Day on 01st December. We look forward to seeing you at the EICC!

Nitrogen bottle falling from crane hatch
A high potential near miss has been reported recently. During a maintenance operation while hoisting down the tools using the internal crane, a nitrogen bottle dropped through the crane’s hatch down to the ground.

SafetyOn 3rd Annual Stakeholder Day Report
SafetyOn Stakeholder Days are held annually and attended by representatives from SafetyOn Tier1 and Tier 2 member companies and industry stakeholders. Around one hundred delegates...

Updated SafetyOn/ RUK Guidance regarding Procedures and Protocols for COVID-19
This note sets out the key considerations that should be considered by duty holders when reviewing the specific guidance provided by relevant Governments and Regulators.

Updated SafetyOn/ RUK Guidance regarding Procedures and Protocols for COVID-19
This note sets out the key considerations that should be considered by duty holders when reviewing the specific guidance provided by relevant Governments and Regulators.

SafetyOn 3rd Annual Stakeholder Day
Less than one month to go until our third SafetyOn Stakeholder Day 2021 on 02nd December 2020. We are excited to see you all soon in person at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre, EICC

Renewables: Health, Safety and Sustainability Conference
Register for the Energy Institute's Renewables: Health, Safety and Sustainability Conference in November 2021.

SafetyOn Post-incident decommissioning of onshore wind turbines
SafetyOn are pleased to announce the publication of its newest good practice guideline, Post-incident decommissioning of onshore wind turbines

SafetyOn incident data report summary
Check out the SafetyOn 2020 incident data report summary. The report highlights the key points from SafetyOn incident data.

WTSR 4th Edition
Release of WTSR and Support Procedures - 4th Edition

SafetyOn/ RUK COVID-19 Guidance- Version 14
Version 14 takes into account recent reviews of relevant Government and regulator guidance.

Safety Alert - Mandatory use of rotor lock...
Mandatory use of rotor lock on the main shaft prior to accessing the nacelle cellar (yaw area) on K08 Gamma and Delta 3000
Avanti Traction hoist
Avanti Traction hoist – M500 (500 and 508) Series SAFETY ALERT

Failed crane beam support bracket
The crane beam support bracket for the crane beam had failed, causing the beam and hoist to fall to the nacelle floor.

8mm Standard Zinc plated steel screwlink
Safety Warning communication from Peguet

SafetyOn/ RUK COVID-19 Guidance- Version 13
Version 13 includes addition of section on vaccination (chapter 5) and update of testing with inclusion of lateral flow testing (chapter 4)

SafetyOn Brochure
SafetyOn is the health and safety organisation for the Onshore wind sector. Providing leadership in health and safety, we ensure transparency on the industry’s H&S performance, promote good practice and assist the industry in mitigating key emerging risks through co-operation

SafetyOn/ RUK COVID-19 Guidance- Version 12
Version 12 includes updated sections on training and competence in the O&M note (page 11) as well as in the Construction note (page 24) with revised information on temporary measures for GWO training and link to the HSE website.

SafetyOn February 2020 Newsletter
SafetyOn have issued its first newsletter updating the industry on what we are doing to promote and maintain the highest possible standards of health and safety in our sector.

COVID 19 SafetyOn Letter to Members
Following the recent announcements from UK and devolved Governments covering the VOC 202012/01 strain of COVID-19 and the increased restrictions across the UK, an extraordinary meeting of the COVID Guidance working group was held yesterday.

SafetyOn/ RUK COVID-19 Guidance- Version 11
Version 11 includes a short but significant section on Shielding (Chapter 5 in the individual notes). To make navigation of the document easier, we included direct links to the individual notes on page 4.

Rodent damage - LV Cables
Rodent damage occurred to the sheath of low voltage (LV) cables in the transformer section of a wind turbine packaged substation.

SafetyOn Stakeholder Forum 2020
The agenda for the SafetyOn Annual Stakeholder forum is available

COVID 19 – Windfarm Critical Workers Work Details Summary Sheet
The following information provides relevant details for the travel of the Critical Worker.

3M™ Protecta® Rebel Self-Retracting Lifelines
3M™ Fall Protection has identified a potential manufacturing issue with a limited number of 3M™ Protecta® Rebel Self-Retracting Lifelines.

SafetyOn/ RUK COVID-19 Guidance - Version 10
SafetyOn/ Renewable UK COVID -19 Guidance (version 10; 09 December 2020)
SafetyOn response to HSE letter
SafetyOn in its leadership role to ensure health and safety remains the onshore wind industry's top priority has responded to the letter from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE)

UPDATE: KN95 Safety Alert
Updated safety alert to clarify the use of masks designated as KN95

HV Incident: Update
Safety, Health and Environmental Alert: Update

HV Flashover
Maintenance on HV equipment on a windfarm

Quality of KN95 face masks
Quality of KN95 face masks

Alcohol-based hand sanitiser
Alcohol-based hand sanitiser warning

There has been a been a mainly prolonged dry spell across much of the UK&I. There have been reports of wildfire around the country. This bulletin acts as a reminder to the increased potential for wildfires.

Winter Conditions
This bulletin is issued to compliment the HSQE Bulletin 10/19 Winter Driving and focuses on winter conditions at the workplace.

Corona Virus Outbreak
Corona Virus outbreak in China. Stop germs spreading, wash your hands!

Winter Driving
Increased risk of RTCs and general winter conditions on construction and asset sites during winter months

Transport of WTG Components
Transport of heavy- and oversized Wind Turbine components