Safety releases can be categorised into the below three categories;

  • Safety Alert: Important, there will be actions required in the alert to close it out.
  • Safety Bulletin: when an issue has been identified with a piece of equipment or process, that has the potential for harm/injury or damage. This is more of a technical notification.
  • Safety Notification: to communicate safety related information which tends to be for information only.
Arc flash

Arc Flash Incident


During service work being undertaken on a WTG, the AT of the party was removing Q3 and Q10 isolations on the convertor platform. When the technician was removing the Q3 lock plastic/ metal lockout device detached and fell into the cabinet.


Nut on specific batches of Green Pin Shackles and Turnbuckles


It was noted that some nuts of specific batches of Green Pin products do not conform with the safety specification as the threading was too loose.

Chain Hoist Image

Chain Hoist Incident on Wind Farm


During planned service work an incident involving a chain hoist occurred on a windfarm.  An investigation was carried out and the risk assesment and evaluation of the incident was undertaken.


Suspended loads


A Major Component Replacement (MCR) task was undertaken on a wind farm, during these works the roof canopy section was removed and reinstalled. An investigation was carried out which found failings in the existing risk assessment and evaluation of the task was undertaken.