Welcome to SafetyOn’s inaugural Stand Up For Safety Week
How do I participate?
- Organisations can conduct a stand up for safety by creating time to discuss hazards working onshore and preventative measures that could be taken to reduce the risk to health and safety. The day, time and duration given to discuss hazards and preventative measures is to be determined by the organisation.
Who can participate?
- Owners and Operators, O&M Service Provider/ Contractors, OEMS, and other Stakeholders
Do I have to use the content in the briefing pack provided?
- No, Organisations may opt to choose an alternative campaign for the Stand Up for Safety Week.
Share your story with us:
- If you want to share information with SafetyOn on your Safety Stand-Up for Safety moment, or suggestions on how we can improve future initiatives like this, please send your email to safetyon@energyinst.org. Also share your Stand-Up story on social media, with the hashtag: #StandUpForSafety
- Throughout the week SafetyOn will be sharing each organisations posts. Please brief your communications department and encourage them to do the same.