SafetyOn are keen to engage Tier 2 members actively in our work programme to ensure the guidance we produce is representative of the entire industry and we have a common industry approach. A engagement forum held on 13th May to update on current activities within SafetyOn and to hold workshops on three workstreams.

1. Management of lifting

2. Confined spaces in onshore wind

3. Electrical Safety: Hierarchy of control and competence

The workshop was attended my members by 33 members from Tier 2 as well as TAC and Leadership Board representatives. The aim of the workshop was to learn from Tier 2 members on how they can add and benefit to ongoing workstreams and how to shape their outcomes. Thank you to all our members who attended the workshop and contributed positively in the discussion, it was great to see collaboration across the industry taking place. The full report is available to download below.

The full learnings from the Tier 2 Engagement Forum are available in the report:

Tier 2 Engagement Forum Report

Associate Members